Thomas L. Freese - Banner
Books Available

Strange and Wonderful
Things: A Collection
Of Ghost Stories with
Special Appearances by
Witches and Other
Bizarre Creatures

Coming Soon
To Print

Ghosts, Spirits and
Angels: True Tales from
Kentucky and Beyond

Haunted Battlefields of
The South: True Tales of
Civil War Ghosts in
Kentucky, Tennessee And Other Locations.

How to make Southwest
Jewelery in Wood
Shaker Ghost Stories Fog Swirler
Strange and Wonderful Things Haunted Battlefields of the South
Ghosts, Spirits and Angels How to Make Southwest Jewelery in Wood
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Thomas Freese is both an author and freelance writer. He published six books and is working on additional book projects. His books are available either online at Amazon or the particular publisher’s websites or directly signed and sent from him.

His published books include:

Shaker Ghost Stories from Pleasant Hill, Kentucky

Fog Swirler and 11 Other Ghost Stories

Strange and Wonderful Things: A Collection of Ghost Stories with Special Appearances by Witches and Other Bizarre Creatures

Ghosts, Spirits and Angels: True Tales from Kentucky and Beyond

Haunted Battlefields of the South: True Tales of Civil War Ghosts in Kentucky, Tennessee and Other Locations

How to Make Southwest Jewelry in Wood

“My books work for nearly all ages—I tell folks ‘from seven to seventy’. I enjoy creating surprise endings in my fiction and my true tales carry a simple power from being genuine.”
Here’s what some readers say about my books:

I read the title story Fog Swirler last night before bed and loved it.
Tammy Rich, Adair Co. Middle School Librarian

I started reading your book in between customers, and I've looked at some of the pictures. I love what I'm reading so far. You're a very good writer. I love your style. It's very interesting. Doris, writer in Louisville
I have been listening to your Audio CDs during my drive time.  Way better than war reports!  Sounds like they are aimed at elementary school aged children.  We will take six sets of the CD and 15 copies of the book.  Please let me know when they are ready so we can issue a PO. Thanks,
Martha Geier, Acquisitions, Louisville Free Public Libraries

More about your youngest fan: This week my son Lucas is the star student of the first grade, which means that they feature him on the bulletin board with pictures and little tidbits about his favorite things. One of the questions was his favorite book. He rushed all around the house (this was a last minute thing, quite naturally) looking for your book so he could take it to school. He loves Shaker Ghost Stories and when we went there he remembered the stories which went with each building.
Carolyn Flynn, Editor and Author, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Copyright (c) 2009 Thomas L. Freese
Audio Available
Shaker Ghost Stories Fog Swirler
Strange and Wonderful Things